01628 633113        stmichaelsbray@gmail.com     https://www.braystmichael.co.uk/facebook logo

Roles and Contact Details


Contact Details



Parish Administrator

Rev’d Ainsley Swift

Rev'd Andy Medlicott

Richard Severn

01628 633113

07587 015291

01628 633113



Helen Pearson

Lynn Olney

07979 756409

07966 906092

Deputy Chair/Lay Preacher

Deputy Churchwarden

Deputy Warden

Jim Tucker

Penny Murray

Mary Wiles

01628 673685

01628 623041

01628 635000

Sacristan & Lay Funeral Minister

Lynda Jones

01628 635178

Parochial Church Council

Hon Secretary

Hon Treasurer

Envelope & Gift Aid

Electoral Roll Officer

Fees Administrator


Katrin Brunning

Richard Severn

Tony Ellison

Penny Murray

Jasvir Banks


01628 633113

01628 622090

01628 623041

Director of Music

Oliver Gooch


Assistant Director of Music

Lindsay Bramley


Sunday School

Natasha Teeder

01628 674469


Tower Captain



Tim Palmer

James Gladwyn




Friends of St Michael’s

Lynda Jones

01628 635178


Jim Tucker

01628 673685

Church Flowers

Maggie Jans

01628 635732

Church of England Free Schools

Braywood Head Teacher

Holyport Head Teacher

Holyport Deputy Head


Mrs S. Calvert

Mrs Amanda Featherstone

Mrs Dawn Bicker


01628 623660

01628 627743 

01628 627743

Parish Safeguarding Officer


Natasha Teeder

Helen Pearson

01628 674469

01628 639648

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